Monday, October 6, 2008

the rorschach test

She coughed up ink.
It splattered from her mouth
onto a piece of paper.
People gathered around to watch.
They took the sheet,
turned it this way and that
trying to decipher
the mess from her insides.
They folded it in half
reopened it
and all took turns
to make sense of the inkblot.
She started choking on the dark fluid.
It wouldn’t stop pouring from her.
She gasped for air,
She pulled out her hair,
As they walked off and left her there.
She drew her last breath
before drowning in her inky sea.
A man raced back
with the paper in his hand.
He was a minute too late
as he read aloud
mighty proud,
the word ‘loneliness’
to her washed up fate.

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