Monday, October 6, 2008

it's just that...

When I met him my voice carried forth so much promise. It flowed, this healthy river with fish jumping excitedly, bursting with stories and laughter. It was deep and rather rich with juicy algae in the depths to swim down to and entangle himself in if he wished. We traveled. We traveled fast. His tongue would come and taste the wet on mine and the spark in his eyes caught the light bouncing off the rippling streams. I could see us arriving at sea together, soaked in adventures and drenched in embrace and fingers and skin and lips,
his lips.
But as he sat me down to tell me we were traveling on different currents, we were both surprised at how I’d suddenly turned quiet. At how my sentences seemed broken and resembled a mere trickle and at how quickly I ran out of water, drying out and all the fish that had leaped too soon found themselves stranded in mud and gasping for air.

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