Sunday, October 12, 2008

milk, bread, toothpaste, 12.15 meeting in boardroom

The sun is getting up earlier and stronger each day. I vow to try and keep up with her.

Parties are making me sad. Hearing about the ones I left early is making me sadder.

My fingers are stiff playing the f-chord on my guitar. I still sing to myself though, even though there’s always a missed beat until my hand has placed itself on the strings correctly. I don’t think I’ll let you hear it just yet.

The best and equally worst text message depending on the sender is ‘I’m at your door’

My friend said she thought I was the funniest person she's ever met today. I liked that.

I have a wonderful and never-souring relationship with my bed.

I don’t understand why bartenders always put a straw in my drink. I hate straws. What a fucking waste.

I’m thinking of adopting a pet rabbit. A big fat fluffy one with lop ears that I will let lose in my apartment and talk to all the while doing house chores. Perhaps I’ll call it Elvis.

It would be funny to cause havoc in a supermarket. If I ever went insane, I think that’s where I’d do it. I’d build a fort out of the toilet paper, use avocados for war paint, squirt tomato sauce on shoppers and tell them they’re hit, lay banana peels down one aisle, pour a litre of milk into a whole box of rice bubbles and pretend the snap crackle and pop were the enemy approaching with their guns and wave a plastic bag as a white flag when I’m ready for them to take me away.

I didn’t run for the flashing green light crossing the street to work today because the song on my ipod was good.

My friends are so happy. I love them so much. I’m so quiet. I think I’ll go home.

I think I’ll die my hair blonde tonight. I’m pretty sure I’ll decide on dark brown instead.

I had $4.50 left in my wallet yesterday. I spent $4.- on daffodils on the walk home.

I still miss you.


liam said...

i'm glad you post here.

Rain said...

i'm glad you're here