She was a pretty little elf.
Dresses neat and tidy and so polite her eyes would fall to the ground, though she saw aplenty.
On her own, she danced a lot and curled her toes.
Dug them deep into the ground and enjoyed the earths whispering lullabies.
One day she twirled herself further into the dark forest.
She smelt the trees and the moist ground and let the branches and the wind guide her away.
Suddenly she stumbled on a pixie,
shuffling and swaying in the clearing.
She was about to run away but the pixie’s dance kept her gaze
and instead she watched
and then said,
I want to shimmy like that.
The pixie smiled at her and stretched out her hand.
I’m not sure I can take it
said the elf.
I don’t always know how to let go once I’m holding
and it’s been a while,
my fingers are a little stiff.
Don’t worry
replied the pixie,
this is a lesson where it’s most important not to let go.
In fact,
I will be squeezing your hand so tight you won’t have a choice.
So she took a step towards her
and they quickly found their rhythm.
They sang to each other and realized that they often knew the same songs.
When their feet grew tired and heavy,
they sat down on mossy rocks
and soaked them in raindrops.
I think I want to smash your toes with a hammer, they are so good
confided the little elf.
The pixie returned the mischievous glint in her eye, bit her in the shoulder and muttered:
I love you too
The sky started to close up over them and it’s dark ink spilled dome-like over their faces.
They took refuge under a rock and quickly fell asleep.
In the morning,
the sun was kinder and warmer than she’d ever been and the little elf,
who’s hand was still clenched tightly in the pixies,
stretched and yawned.
She realized with a growing smile
that she hadn’t slept so well in a
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