Have you ever thought about what it would be like not to feel physical pain or know the concept of it?
How liberating it would feel to punch that wall without hesitation?
To aim your knuckles at his face guilt free, thinking the only pain anyone would feel would be your sorry heart?
To whirl on a rink of ice on your skates without fear and run down that hill so fast, tears welling in your eyes, tripping over your undone shoelaces, the concrete smacking your teeth, getting up and just keep running?
To pat a shark and tell him it’s o.k., you get angry too.
To break your bones by landing badly, after you jumped from so high, but didn’t worry, just contorted yourself in the air, your mind at one with the wind and air licking your body on the way down? You could just get back up, snap your limbs back into place and walk off in front of that green car, just to take a better look at its driver through the windscreen.
Love the photo. And the words, in both your posts...well said. Glad to have dropped in for a read.
Thanks for sharing.
yow. stunning photo.
thankfully physical pain isn't something that worries me, but your words provide a glimpse...
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